hands on hearts
Bunting helpers

Helen McCormack
Helen devised and is currently co-ordinating the Hands on Hearts project.
Helen isn't an experienced sewer and before starting Hands on Hearts she had never made any bunting...she still can't sew very well but now considers herself a bunting addict!
There's more about Helen's background on her LinkedIn profile.

Lola M. Ali
Lola has brought her many talents and a lot of energy to the project, helping to prepare and deliver workshops as well our pop up at the DIY shop in the background. Lola is a very talented seamstress and made a very beautiful flag for our supporters chain.

Isabel Fernandez
Isabel is a master sewer and helped to bring the first bunting chains to life in 2021 by diligently hemming and sewing together all of the chains hanging at Calthorpe Community Gardens. She has the patience of a saint!

Maddie di Prinzio
Maddie has helped us with our recent pop ups at Kentish Town Car Boot sale and at our workshops on West Kentish Town estate in London. She's very organised as well as a talented creator and we felt very lucky to have her help out!

Karla Savage
Karla has been generously volunteering her time to help at our workshops in West Kentish Town Estate. She works in textiles for the film industry and brings a wealth of talent and experience - and joy! - to our workshops.
Nicole has many strings to her bow and we feel blessed that she's brought some of them our way. She's helped prepare recent workshops and displays at the Calthorpe Community Garden, where she is a trustee. Nicole also spent many hours preparing bunting bases for our workshops at home.
Want to get involved?
The Hands on Hearts project is run entirely by volunteers - and we need more helping hands!
Please get in touch if you'd like to get involved - we would love to hear from you.
As a new project we have lots of different things that need doing...
We especially need people who have experience delivering crafts workshops and/or can use a sewing machine.
We also need people to help us with our wishlist - the things we need in order to create more beautiful chains in our communities.