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hands on hearts

Contact us
To find out how to add your flag to an existing chain, start a new chain in your community please send us a message using the form below and we'll be in touch.
Stay tuned...
We are busy working on holding more bunting making workshops in the coming months...
Sign up below to receive updates about new workshops - and to read posts from our forthcoming Bunting Blog...
And we'll be telling the story of the great big bunting chain of hands and hearts on our Instagram (@the_buntingrevolution).
Support us!
Don't have the time to make a flag but want to support us?We've made a list of things we need to grow the chain here - we'd love to chat about how you might be able to help.
Let's fill our towns with hands, hearts... and love!
Get in touch
You can use the form below, or if you prefer you can email us
or call, text or WhatsApp us on
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